cURL PHP Python


Vance AI provides a suite of simple and flexible API endpoints to allow you to integrate our AI image processing features into your app or workflow.


The Vance AI API requires authentication via an API token generated within your Vance AI account. You can find the API token in the tab of API & Document on "My Account" page.

All of the methods in the Vance AI API require authentication using an api_token.

In this document we use 1234567890abcdefg as the api_token.

Upload image

Request body

curl -X POST "" \
     -F "api_token=1234567890abcdefg" \
     -F "file=@/Users/vanceai/Downloads/cat.jpg; filename=cat.jpg" \
  require 'vendor/autoload.php'; 
  use GuzzleHttp\Client; 

  $http_client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();

  $res = $http_client->post("", [
    'multipart' => [
          'name' => 'api_token',
          'contents' => '1234567890abcdefg',
          'name' => 'file',
          'contents' => fopen('/Users/vanceai/Downloads/cat.jpg', 'r'),

  echo $res->getBody()->getContents();
# Requires "requests" to be installed (see
import requests
response =
    files={'file': open('/Users/vanceai/Downloads/cat.jpg', 'rb')},
    data={'api_token': '1234567890abcdefg'},
r = response.json()
if r['code'] == 200:
    print('uid:', r['data']['uid'])

Response Success Example:

    "code": 200,
    "cscode": 200,
    "data": {
        "uid": "3f8484a52c47b9cc0c34067b5bdf08d3",
        "name": "'cat.png'",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "w": 1200,
        "h": 1199,
        "filesize": 3618416
    "ip": ""


To do any actions, you should upload the image first. Let's assume we have an image named cat.jpg and the full path is /Users/vanceai/Downloads/cat.jpg. The dimension of this image is 1200x1200px and the file size is 156KB.

Demo image


So now, let's upload this image by calling upload endpoint.

Uploading will take some times, that depends on the size of your image and your internet speed.

After uploading, you will get the response content with an uid, which will be used in the transform to process your image.

Supported formats

Currently, the supported file formats are JPG and PNG.

Upload limits

The file size can not be larger than 10MB and the max resolution is 34 Megapixels (short for MP).

For example, if the dimension of your image is 7680x4320, then the resolution is 33 MP (33,177,600 pixels), which is less than 34 MP.

If your image exceeds the limits, you will get an error response, then you should resize or compress your image and try to call the upload again.


Field Type Description
api_token string Your API token
file file Image file object
job string Optional for AI features. Example: 'ai' for AI features and 'compress' for Compressor.

Process image

Request body

curl -X POST "" \
     -d 'api_token=1234567890abcdefg' \
     -d 'uid=eb54870e6a45835c540537f79bc7ce5a' \
     -d 'webhook=https://your-domain/path/to/webhook' \
     -d 'jconfig={
            "job": "enlarge",
            "config": {
              "module": "enlarge",
              "module_params": {
                "model_name": "EnlargeStable",
                "suppress_noise": 26,
                "remove_blur": 26,
                "scale": "2x"
              "out_params": {}
  $http_client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([
    'base_uri' => '',
    'verify'  => false,

  $json_string = file_get_contents("/Users/vanceai/Downloads/enlarge.json");
  $json_string = trim($json_string,chr(239).chr(187).chr(191));

  $response = $http_client->request('POST','/web_api/v1/transform', [
      'form_params' => [
          'api_token' =>  '1234567890abcdefg',
          'uid' => 'b0c5b210dd1a698d0554bca3d1bdd7b4',
          'jconfig' => $json_string,
          'webhook' => 'https://your-domain/path/to/webhook',

  echo $response->getBody()->getContents();
import requests
import json

json_path = "/Users/vanceai/Downloads/enlarge.json"
with open(json_path, 'rb') as f:
    jparam = json.load(f)

    'api_token': '1234567890abcdefg',
    'uid': 'b0c5b210dd1a698d0554bca3d1bdd7b4',
    'jconfig': json.dumps(jparam),
    'webhook': 'https://your-domain/path/to/webhook'
response =
r = response.json()
if r['code'] == 200:
    print('trans_id:', r['data']['trans_id'])

Response Success Example:

    "code": 200,
    "cscode": 200,
    "data": { 
        "trans_id": "6de4b562d1a01c3d2520608eae929646", //Transform Job ID
        "status": "webhook", // waiting, finish, fatal, process, webhook


When we get the uid in the first upload step, we can use it to call the transform endpoint.

The transform needs 3 parameters at least. Besides api_token and uid, we also need an AI configuration in json format as the value of jconfig.

Assume we have an AI enlarger config file stored in Downloads folder, so the full path is /Users/vanceai/Downloads/enlarge.json.


Field Type Description
api_token string Your API token
uid string ID of uploaded file
jconfig string Transform parameter in json format
webhook string [Optional]The callback url to receive the transfrom result notification.

Status of job processing

You may get different job status from the transform response. These statuses indicate different processing results of your job.

Status Description
finish The job has finished, now you can download the result with the trans_id
waiting Your job is waiting to be assigned in the queue, all servers are busy, you may need to wait for a while.
fatal Your job is failed, you can try again or contact us.
process Your job is still being processed, please wait a secend.
webhook You see this status, because you provided the webhook url, so it means the processing result will be sent via webhook.
busy It means your job is in the queue, you may need to call "progress" to query the status in a fixed frequency, such as to query the status ever 2 seconds.


The webhook is an optional parameter, which is used to receive message of job processing result. To use webhook, you should set the webhook field to point to your webserver in our transform request body. This url can be http or https.

If you provide the callback url, then the transform will response immediately after calling instead of waiting for the process result.

You will get a trans_id from the transform response body. Once the job finished, we will send a POST request to the endpoint you specified with webhook. You can also query the progress with the trans_id by calling the progress endpoint.

Example: https://your.domain/path/to/webhook

Note: the protocol must be https.

Check the progress

Request body

curl -X POST "" \
       -d 'api_token=1234567890abcdefg' \
       -d 'trans_id=6de4b562d1a01c3d2520608eae929646' \
  $remoteFileUrl = '';

  $ch = curl_init();
  $timeout = 60;
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $remoteFileUrl);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
  $img = curl_exec($ch);
remoteFileUrl = '''
response = requests.get(remoteFileUrl)
r = response.json()
if r['code'] == 200:
    print('status:', r['data']['status'])

Response Success Example:

    "code": 200,
    "cscode": 200,
    "data": {
        "status": "finish", // waiting, finish, fatal, process
        "filesize": "16794935"
    "ip": ""


We recommend you to use this endpoint in two situations:


Field Type Description
api_token string Your API token
trans_id string ID in transform response

Download result

Request body

curl -X POST "" \
     -o /Users/vanceai/Downloads/enlarged-cat.jpg \
     -d 'api_token=1234567890abcdefg' \
     -d 'trans_id=6de4b562d1a01c3d2520608eae929646' \
  $remoteFileUrl = '';

  dst_path = '/path/to/save/demo.jpg';

  $ch = curl_init();
  $timeout = 60;
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $remoteFileUrl);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
  $img = curl_exec($ch);

  $fp2 = @fopen(dst_path, 'a');
  fwrite($fp2, $img);
remoteFileUrl = ''
dst_path = '/path/to/save/demo.jpg'

response = requests.get(remoteFileUrl, stream=True)

f = open(dst_path, "wb")
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=512):
    if chunk:


Once the status of the job is finish, we should use download endpoint to save the result.

Let download the result to the path of '/Users/vanceai/Downloads/' and named it as 'enlarged-cat.jpg'.


Field Type Description
api_token string Your API token
trans_id string ID in transform response

Comparison of before and after

AI enlarger Before and After comparision

As you can see, the cat.jpg has been enlarged by 200%, the output dimension is 2400x2400px, but the quality is not lost, even better than before.


Response Error Example

    "code": 10001, 
    "msg": "Illegal Parameter"


    "code": 30001, 
    "msg": {    
           "api_token": [
                 "The api token field is required."

The VanceAI API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
10001 Illegal parameter
10010 Internal error
10011 File doesn't exist OR Invalid download link
10012 Resolution or file size exceeds the limits.
10013 jparam parse error
10014 Job failed and exited for unexpected reason
30001 Invalid API token
30004 Insufficient credits

API Management

API Usage

Check credit balance

Request body

curl -X GET "" 

Response Success Example

    "code": 200,
    "cscode": 200,
    "data": {
        "max_num": "500.000", // Total Credits
        "used_num": "107.800" // Used Credits
    "ip": ""


You can use this endpoint to query your credit balance.


Field Type Description
api_token string Your API token

Credit usage history

Request body

curl -X POST "" \
     -d 'api_token=1234567890abcdefg' \
     -d 'page=1' \
     -d 'limit=20' \

Response Success Example

    "code": 200,
    "cscode": 200,
    "data": {
        "datas": [
                "point_type": "download", // job or download
                "job": "denoise",         //job type
                "info": "denoise_SwJes_0.jpg.jpg", // Image name
                "point": "1.000",         // Credits cost for this job or download
                "balance": "392.200",     // Credit balance
                "created_at": "2021-12-14 04:36:18"
        "current_page": 1,
        "last_page": 5, 
        "per_page": 20,
        "total": 100
    "ip": ""


You can use this endpoint to query your credit usage history.


Field Type Description
api_token string Your API token
page numeric [Optional] The xth page of pagination. Default: 1
limit numeric [Optional] The number of items to display per page. Default: 20

Credit Costs

Each AI feature has its own value. Currently most of the features will cost 1 credit when you download the result, some features will cost 2 credits. Duplicate downloads won't charge credits again.

Features that will cost 2 credits: * AI Image Sharpener

Config Files

VanceAI currently has 10+ AI features for image enhancement, each one has one config file at least. And we are continue to add more AI features which will cover the fields of image, video and music.

Generally, all the config files have a fixed structure. let's take an example by using AI Sharpener.

Structure of config file

Configuration is required when calling transform endpoint.

Example of Configuration


In this configuration, you can see there are 2 items in the config array, the server will process your image in the order of the items.

The demo code provides a two-step workflow, the 1st step will sharp your photo and the 2nd step will enhance the human faces in your photo.

Supported output parameters

Settings Type Example Note
Quality int {"compress": {"quality": 95}} The range is 0-100, the higher the number, the compress the less.
DPI int {"dpi": 300} The range is 0-2000 (suggested). Generally, 300 or 350 is suitable for print.
Format string {"format": "png"} Now we only accept jpg and png.
Background Color int {"bg_composed": {"bg_color": {"r": 0, "g": 255, "b": 255}}} This can be used to set a solid background color to the background removed photo.

Description of config file

AI Image Enlarger

AI Image Enlarger

    "name": "enlarge3",
    "config": {
        "module": "enlarge3",
        "module_params": {
            "model_name": "EnlargeStandard_2x_Stable",
            "suppress_noise": 40,
            "remove_blur": 60,
            "scale": 2

Enlarge image up to 800% while keeping high quality.

Key Value Description
name enlarge3
module enlarge3
model_name EnlargeStandard_2x_Stable You can use "2x" or "4x" in this model name. When using "2x", the scale value must be 2 (The value type is int, not string), and when using "4x", the scale value can be 4, 6 or 8.
suppress_noise 0 - 100 40 by default.
remove_blur 0 - 100 60 by default.
scale 2, 4, 6, 8 Accept number, not string.

AI Image Denoiser

AI Image Denoiser

    "name": "denoise",
    "config": {
        "module": "denoise",
        "module_params": {
            "model_name": "DenoiseStable",
            "auto_params": true,
            "remove_noise": 75,
            "sharpen" : 75

It removes grain and noise from photo effortlessly through AI-powered denoise algorithms.

Key Value Description
name denoise
module denoise
model_name DenoiseStable
auto_params true or false If true, then remove_noise and sharpen will be ignored. AI will select property values automatically according to the training.
remove_noise 0 - 100 75 by default.
sharpen 0 - 100 75 by default.

AI Image Sharpener

AI Image Sharpener

Key Value Description
name va_sharpen_standard
module sharpen3
model_name SharpenGeneralStable
autoparams true or false If true, then other parameters will be ignored. AI will select property values automatically according to the training.
automodel true or false If true, the system will auto select the best AI model to process your photo.
remove_blur 0 - 1.00 0.5 by default
suppress_noise 0 - 1.00 0.5 by default
remove_artifacts 0 - 1.00 0.5 by default

AI Background Remover

AI Background Remover

This config is mainly for object coutout.

    "name": "matting",
    "config": {
        "module": "matting",
        "module_params": {
            "model_name": "MattingStable"
Key Value Description
name matting
module matting
model_name MattingStable

AI Anime Upscaler

AI Anime Upscaler - 4x_AnimeSharp

  "name": "chainner",
  "config": {
    "module": "chainner",
    "module_params": {
      "model_name": "Anime_4x_AnimeSharp",
      "scale": "2x"

Model of 4x_AnimeSharp

Key Value Description
name chainner
module chainner
model_name Anime_4x_AnimeSharp
scale 2x, 4x, 8x

AI Anime Upscaler - real_esrgan

    "config": {
        "module_params": {
            "model_name": "RealEsrganStable",
            "scale": "2x"

Model of RealEsrgan

Key Value Description
name real_esrgan
module real_esrgan
model_name RealEsrganStable
scale 1x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x If selected 1x, it will only enhance the quality without enlargement.

AI Photo Restorer - Fix

AI Photo Restorer - Fix

    "name": "crease_repair",
    "config": {
        "module": "crease_repair",
        "module_params": {
            "model_name": "CreaseRepairStable"

This feature will fix the scratches, creases and spots on the photo.

Restorer Fix

Key Value Description
name crease_repair
module crease_repair
model_name CreaseRepairStable

AI Photo Restorer - Enhance

AI Photo Restorer - Enhance

    "name": "img2sr",
    "config": {
        "module": "img2sr",
        "module_params": {
            "model_name": "style_sr_512",
            "face_enhancer": true,
            "strength": 0.9

This feature will enhance the quality, don't use it unless your photo is very blurry.

Restorer Enhance

Key Value Description
name img2sr
module img2sr
model_name style_sr_512
face_enhancer true or false It will enhance the faces with codeformer's AI model if true.
strength 0.80 ~ 1.00 It may useful to adjust the output quality, 0.9 by default.

Toongineer Cartoonizer (Deprecated)

Toongineer Cartoonizer

    "name": "cartoonize",
    "config": {
        "module": "cartoonize",
        "module_params": {
            "model_name": "CartoonizeStable"
Key Value Description
name cartoonize
module cartoonize
model_name CartoonizeStable

AI Image Cartoonizer

AI Image Cartoonizer

        "overwrite": false,
        "denoising_strength": 0.75
  "cn_configs":  [
    // here you can use one or more `cn_name` to get the effect you want.
      "image_uid": "<uid_from_upload>",
      "cn_name": "cartoon_tile"
      "image_uid": "<uid_from_upload>",
      "cn_name": "cartoon_lineart"

This feature is based on Stable Diffusion.

Key Value Description
name img2anime The key of this feature
module img2anime
model_name string, style1, style2, ... style6 We provide 12 styles for male and female.
prompt string, empty by default You can input some words to descripbe your photo, 140 characters at most. English only.
overwrite bool, true or false If true, only your prompt will be used.
denoising_strength float, 0.00 - 1.00 0.75 by default, you will need to change it according to the style you use.
image_uid string The uid you get from the Upload endpoint
cn_name string Such as; cartoon_tile, cartoon_lineart, you can choose from the table below.

The base models we are using:

Style Base Model Lora
style1 darkSushiMixMix_225D.safetensors
style2 toonyou_beta3.safetensors
style3 meinamix_meinaV9.safetensors
style4 deepboys25D_v30.safetensors
style5 pastelboys2D_v30.safetensors
style6 blueboys2D_v30.safetensors
us_comic_boy comicBabes_v2.safetensors
us_comic_girl comicBabes_v2.safetensors
disney_boy disneyPixarCartoon_v10.safetensors
disney_girl disneyPixarCartoon_v10.safetensors
Ghibli_boy meinamix_meinaV9.safetensors ghibli_style_offset
Ghibli_girl meinamix_meinaV9.safetensors ghibli_style_offset

The cn_name and denoising_strength for each style

Style More cartoonish More realistic
style1 cartoon_tile cartoon_lineart and cartoon_tile
style2 cartoon_tile cartoon_lineart and cartoon_tile
style3 cartoon_tile cartoon_lineart and cartoon_tile
style4 cartoon_tile cartoon_lineart and cartoon_tile
style5 cartoon_tile cartoon_lineart and cartoon_tile
style6 cartoon_tile cartoon_lineart and cartoon_tile
us_comic_boy cartoon_normal cartoon_canny
us_comic_girl cartoon_normal cartoon_canny
disney_boy more_cartoon_lineart more_real_lineart
disney_girl more_cartoon_lineart more_real_lineart
Ghibli_boy cartoon_normal_noforge cartoon_normal_noforge
denoising_strength: 0.75 denoising_strength: 0.65
Ghibli_girl cartoon_normal_noforge cartoon_normal_noforge
denoising_strength: 0.75 denoising_strength: 0.65

Female Style

Male Style


VancePortrait - AnimeGANv2

    "job": "animegan",
    "config": {
        "module": "animegan2",
        "module_params": {
            "model_name": "Animegan2Stable",
            "single_face": true

Model of AnimeGANv2

This model will convert portrait to anime style.

Anime Style

Key Value Description
job animegan
module animegan2
model_name Animegan2Stable
single_face true or false Set to true to only convert human face. Default: true

AI Photo Colorizer (Recolor)

AI Photo Colorizer (Recolor)

    "name": "recolor",
    "config": {
        "module": "sd_recolor",
        "module_params": {
            "model_name": "sd_recolor",
            "prompt": "",
            "negative_prompt": ""

This feature is based on Stable Diffusion, and we use the recolor preprocessor.

Key Value Description
name colorize
module sd_recolor
model_name sd_recolor
prompt empty by default You can write some words to specify the color you want, like blue skirt, black hair, etc.
negative_prompt empty by default The color you don't want to be displayed on the output image.

AI Photo Colorizer (Deoldify)

AI Photo Colorizer (Deoldify)

    "name": "colorize",
    "config": {
        "module": "deoldify2",
        "module_params": {
            "model_name": "DeoldifyArtistic",
            "render_factor": 30

This feature uses the deoldify model.

Key Value Description
name colorize
module deoldify2 This is based on the famous deoldify project.
model_name DeoldifyArtistic
render_factor 10 - 70 Default: 30